Doug Burroughs
The Love
Valentine's Day is upon is, again. It has become a romantic holiday, but is actually elated to the martyrdom of St. Valentine in ancient Rome. He wrote to a young Roman couple who asked advice of the venerate bishop and signed his letter, "Your Valentine". The rest was marketing from history!
Now, I am not a curmudgeon about Valentine's Day. My wife and I haven't celebrated it in years and before you go casting aspersions on me, it wasn't me! (I sound like Harrison Ford in Star Wars.) We were busy raising kids, planting churches and the like. Now don't get me wrong, Janice still is the girl for me and truth be told, I am attracted to her in ways no one could compete with. She has given birth to and mothered our six natural kids and an adopted daughter. I've watched her weep and laugh with joy over the family. I have pictures of her holding her grandchildren after birth and the look would steal my heart if I wasn't already madly in love with her!
What's our secret after almost thirty six years of marriage?
I love her company. I am stimulated by her opinions and thought. When she talks about Jesus, my heart melts. When she enjoys some of her pastimes (which I had to learn - I am no interior decorator), I am there with her. She only banishes me if I opine too much during a particular TV show, but that's it. When we got married, it was "no holds barred", we were in for life.
In a phrase, I married my best friend.
I have other friends that are dear and close to me. There are men that know my ups and downs, my rising and fallings, men that I talk with at length weekly, but no one, out side of Jesus, knows me like my Janice.
Why would I gush on like this on a church blog? Well, frankly it's my blog and I can write what I want! But seriously, talking about Janice right now makes me wistful for how we are feeling around Jesus right now. When the Holy Spirit shows up, we get a little weak in the knees, our hearts flutter and sometimes we feel a swoon coming on. Is that unusual? Not really, not for lovers of Jesus. We want to be with Him. We want to know Him and hear His heart, to know His thoughts and His mind on things. He is after all, our deepest, true friend, our brother and Lord. We feel the same about Father God, our Papa and the Holy Spirit.
Now does this air of familiarity breed contempt? Not in the least! He is so far above and beyond us that we would never want to do anything that would wound His heart. His opinion is the most important one. His comfort is the most important. Some churches are seeker sensitive, i.e., attune to the needs of the guests in their midst. We are unapologetically God sensitive first. We worship to touch His heart, to bless Him first and foremost. It is why we gather and why we linger in His presence. And, after all He is just so much fun and full of surprises.
This Valentine's Day, don't forget the One who first loved you and be sure and se=pend some time with Him!