Another Week In.
Another week in. Another week in a pandemic, in isolation, in social distancing. No one really knows when we will be on the other side of this, not really. I understand the science behind predictions, the gathering, studying, and graphing of data. And we could get a good idea of when this will end but in some ways, these predictions are a bit like the weather. Perhaps much of the time the forecast is correct but on occasion it is very wrong. So what?! So what are we doing in the midst of another week in when the other side is still out of sight? Do we stay glued to a favorite news outlet anticipating the change with the thought of, “I cannot wait to get out of lock-down!”? I know I have done this: watching the graphs, listening to the news beyond the point of helpfulness. And I noticed the feeling of powerlessness and fear gain strength and momentum. Until, in the midst of all the chaos I heard a still small voice. I was driving west on Highway 34 in the early morning as the sun was beginning to climb and it threw a brilliant warmth on the mountains causing the snow to practically glow. The mountains stood gloriously strong against the blue sky. It was a very uplifting moment. That’s when I heard the still small voice of the Lord say, “for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14 says, “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” I realize this was said to a young woman in order to inspire her to exercise her authority and influence as a queen. It was a risky endeavor because it could have cost her everything. Esther could have listened to the negative reports, the plotting and planning, and remained powerless and fearful as her family was destroyed. But she didn’t. Esther fully engaged God despite the very real threats she was facing. After I read the story, God repeated: “such a time as this.” And as I asked for clarity, I felt the Lord say, “the time, the season, is one of pandemic, of chaos, of fear, uncertainty, and scarcity. And you, (you and me) are born for such a time as this. You are called to use your royal position as sons and daughters to engage, to partner with Me.” But what does that mean exactly? One thing for sure is that it means to stop being dazzled by the enemy’s shenanigans. Readjust the focus. It is important to know how to pray and if the news gives you insight, use it. But only as a starting point not a dwelling place. We are seated in heavenly places with Jesus to powerfully release kingdom answers filled with hope, peace, and healing.
God is wanting to use this place of isolation and social distancing to speak truth to us. Remember, he does not participate in those two programs. He does not isolate or distance himself from us. In fact, his policy is directly the opposite: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” And the other truth is, he is always working, even when we don’t feel it or think it, he is always working. Always. Ask him. Ask him what he’s building in you for such a season as this. Ask him what he wants to be to you, today. Sit in this place focused on him and not on getting away or out of this season. Let’s engage as royal sons and daughters with our king for such a time as this.