Colombia Trip Recap!

Returning - Filled!
By Vicki Brawner
The Colombia team has returned - filled to overflowing with the goodness and love of Father. What a magnificent trip and mission experience for the whole team!
Tom and Jennifer Atwater (our missionary hosts) ministered to us as a team each day, and then sent us out to give away what we had received. This is true Kingdom lifestyle in action! Baptized in His love to an extent that none of us have ever experienced before, healed of deep-seated wounds in our hearts, we were then taught how to go out and minister to others in the same way we were touched.
We saw and experienced words of knowledge for others, physical, spiritual, and emotional healings in children, women, drug addicts, people in the parks, on the streets, those we prayed for after church services, truly everywhere we went.
As we walked through forgiveness in our own hearts, we were able to minister to those needing to forgive in very difficult situations, for example: a mother forgiving the murderer of her 22 year-old son, a wife forgiving her husband for 38 years of horrible abuse to her children. Each of these dear souls was set free from unforgiveness and released into the transformative love of Christ.
We prayed for a woman with cancer and physically felt the power of God touch her body. A man caught in drug addiction asking to be freed. A young girl who is consistently being beaten by her mother experiencing the wholesome feeling of a mother’s hug as I wrapped her in my arms and held her, releasing healing to her broken heart. A woman being traumatized by demons receiving deliverance and saying, “It feels like I just had an operation (surgery) in my head!” Another young girl received freedom from anxiety and suicidal thoughts and then dedicated her heart to the Lord.
Thank you so much for supporting this mission trip and the whole team with your finances and prayers. We felt them the whole way! You prepared the way and opened the heavens with your prayers and lives will never be the same again. Check out the video below for a trip recap!