Missions, Motion and Movements
I want to present to you someone and something that is dear to my heart.
First off, a someone...

This weekend, you will have the special gift of grace to hear Seth Dunn, leader of InMotion Ministries teach. We have had Seth many times over the years presenting a balanced, Biblically rooted message of life visa vi the gospel of peace. He and his wife Saundra, who is also part of our teaching team are wonderful parts of the Fusion Family.
Now it may be that you don’t recognize Seth. Well, there is a reason. Seth is gone many weekends supporting the mission of Jesus which is “go into all the world and make disciples of all nations (Read Matthew 28:18-20 for more), through his organization, In Motion Ministries. InMotion Ministries helps believers, churches and organizations plan, prepare, receive training for, oversee and debrief missions teams from all over the world to all over the world. InMotion has latched many lives into vocational service for Jesus around the world and many, many more who have been ruined for the ordinary, average Christian life in all the right ways. Many of our Fusion family are apart of

InMotion and even Matthew Baldwin, one of our missionaries to Thailand along with his wife Amy had his first missions experience through InMotion. Their organization is one of the “Fusion Missions” supported ministries and we love who and what Seth brings to our family!
Now to the something….
Did you see the title, “Missions, Motion and Movements”?
It really is simple.
Missions is having a heart like the Father.
God so loved that He gave (John 3:16,17). Missions always requires giving out and up, because any incarnation ministry requires that you give. Jesus, gave up as the Father gave (Philippians 2). As loved ones and family go to give, others give up the right to see them all the time. When we give money for missions, we are by default prioritizing that by giving up something else the money could go for. When we give time praying for the nations, we are intentionally giving up others ways to spend time. But in the kingdom, giving is not a static activity, but an active investment, which like the kingdom is always increasing (Isaiah 9:7). Our prayers result in salvations and the introduction into a culture of the kingdom of God. Our giving is multiplies into the mission on the field and our friend going, even in tears on our side, results in a harvest on the other (Psalm 126:5).

Missions is also God’s heart because it always ends with worship (John 4:23,24).
Papa God has always sought worshippers and still does to this day. The end of missions is worship. As Matt and Amy staters earlier this month when talking about Thailand, there is deep competition for worship, especially since all of mankind was created to worship. Into this power grab of worship, Jesus introduces an invitation to intimacy, relationship and the subsequent worship that flows from that. A church family that prioritizes worship always is enriched by the presence of God since His heart is the expression of mission. We are a “missions” church family.
Motion is what is needed.
Mission that is on the heart, but not expressed in the doing of a thing is simply a concept. There are three main ways of gaining motion: giving, praying and going. At Fusion, we encourage you to give in faith over and above your normal tithe (10% of your gross income) to sow into missions. We currently have nine missionaries and ministries that we support. We would love to increase how much we do so, but it will take a partnership in the kingdom to do so between you, Jesus and Fusion. By the way, did you know that the letter to the Philippians is in fact a thank you letter for a missionary gift given to Paul?
Prayer is another form of motion.
In prayer, we can reach around the world! You could pray for our Fusion missionaries (Domestic: Fred and Pat Bruner, Nick Cooper | Foreign: Thailand - Paul and Lori Vernon, Clinton and Pahtyana Moore, Matt and Amy Baldwin | India - Jamie Dennis | Mozambique - Tracy Evans | Southeast Asia, Central Asia - Leif and Jennifer Hetland | InMotion Ministries - Seth and Saundra Dunn | Ed and Peggy Wagner - former missionaries to Costa Rica). Another way to pray is to download the app, “Operation World”. Once you sign up, they will send an email or you can open the app daily to partner with other believers all around the globe to intercede in a targeted way for the nation of the day. We have also begun a weekly prayer meeting that is open to all - Battleline, every Friday evening in the Gallery at Fusion from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.
The third wave of motion is going.
Whether short term or long term a quick trip or a lifetime of service, missions will change your life. Check out InMotion for trips, or Global Awakening to travel with friends of this house like Randy Clark, Kim Maas, as well as Steve and Sally Wilson. Get your passport ready. Your next vacation could be the one that changes the world!
Movements are the created legacy of missions and motion.
Movements are self generating, highly cultured and impactful for the kingdom. Fusion is a movement, not ever perfect, but a movement none the less. Over our few years of existence we have sent out six different missionaries and pastors and equipped many more for service. We still have some churches in Africa, the middle east and other places that look to us for prayer support, love and encouragement. We have seen over the years the Lord raise the water level of His presence in many of the churches in the city and have heard of many more missions endeavors. We are a part of the global kingdom family movement and it is wonderful!
I trust this has challenged you, motivated you, moved you and most importantly made you think about Papa’s heart! Enjoy this weekend.
Love to you all,
Pastor Doug (on behalf of Janice)

PS - by the time you read this, we are on a plane ride for a long overdue vacation to see some of our kids in Wisconsin who are….wait for it….expecting our 10th grandchild. It is never boring! We will see you next week! In the meantime, enjoy the presence of the Lord and the word of the Lord through Seth.