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Writer's pictureDoug Burroughs

The Vision of Fusion

"Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint...." Proverbs 29:18

"Write the vision and make it he who reads it may run..." Habakkuk 2:2

In 2009, God began to stir a dream in the hearts of the founders of Fusion, Doug and Janice Burroughs. Life long church planters, they knew that this vision was a multi-generational, multi-decade plan. God wanted to build a kingdom family to bring about maximim kingdom change in the region of northern Colorado, the United States and the world. THe catch phrase is "on earth as it is in heaven", but it is so much more.

This is the vision that God put into Doug and Janice's hearts that is the rallying point of our movement, here and abroad.

We are called to the message of the kingdom: Jesus has come to display and model for us who God the Father is and to call us to change our hearts and minds (repentance) and follow Him and His kingdom. We see a people who are radical worshippers, with radical obedience to risk and do what the kingdom stands for, bringing about the maximum change in our world. (Please note: this written as a future prophetic statement, you may not see some of these things in Fusion yet...but just wait...)

This is Fusion: THe People

A gathered people who worship God with abandon in Spirit and in truth. A people ready to give themselves to God at any moment. They prioritize intimacy in God through daily times in the Word and prayer, intimacy flowing out of their lives in practical ways as they live as fulfilled singles, marrieds and families - truly they are a family of families.

Being connected to the intimacy afforded by Papa God, through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, they are the best students and employees, always bringing both kingdom atmosphere and solutions to eveerything they touch and participate in. They have a grace and a joy that is infectious. They see problems as opportunities and roadblocks as invitations to the miraculous solutions of the kingdom of God. These people are sought after for employment since they bring an added dimension to every environment they are a part of.

They readily pray for situations, no matter where they are, because they know God always shows up! On every street corner in the city, you can find them laying hands on people and seeing the lame walk, the blind see and demons cast out. THe speak good newwss and they bring good news!

This people have a heart for the solutions of heaven and have impacted education, healthcare, government, business, family, music, art, dance, fashion, theatre, media, science, technology and spirituality because of their secret histories with God and love for one another. Greeley has become a place of a true renaissance and reformation, where old systems which held back creativity and breakthroughs are replaced. Once just described as a "cow town that smelled", Greeley has become a place for forward thinking business, agriculture, land use, educational solutions, fashion, art and music. It's cultural life is a reflection of the beauty of God as Creator.

This is Fusion: The School

Fusion people have been trained to walk in a vibrant, robust life in the Spirit and the Word through the Fusion School, a module based educationa nd training force. From understandin identity to the word of God, how to pray for the sick and do the works of Jesus, to synposiums that are interactive on business solutions and art, the Fusion School has played its part in changing the region and the world.

Beginning slowly, with just a few students, it has grown into a vibrant center of culture and life in its own right, training hundreds as they embark in partnership with the Holy Spirit to carry the kingdom around the world. Monthly, valued practitioners of the Spirit and the Word speak to the gathered students as they give and receive ministry.

From its ranks, mayors and govenors, captains of industry and economic thinkers, scientists and literary minds have come. Always at its core is innovation towards ministry in its many forms as itinerant and local people are sent to give their lives to a region.

One of the highlights is the amount of missionaries that have come through the various arms of the school and the life of the church itself. These missionaries are dispersed all around the world and supported because of innovation in funding and generosity in the heats of Fusion and God's people everywhere. Fusion has missionaries all over the world as the sun never sets on the kingdom of God. These missionaries bring transformation in all that they do affecting nations along the way.

This is Fusion: The Gatherings

From the beginning, Fusion's gatherings have always focused on touching the Father's heart in worship, first and foremost. Having a multitude of teams and worshipers, Fusion even sends out teams in the state to help revitalize worship as a priority and practice. The gatherings at Fusion are marked by incredible, tangible joy, a source of strength and power, as well as deep intimacy where the hearts of the worshipers and the heart of God meet. New songs flow oput of the context of the "thin place" that God has created and is stewarded by the family at Fusion. These songs express the heart of the Fsuion family are a source of encouragement, connection and joy.

There is always risk taking at Fusion in their gatherings. Words of knowledge, prophecy and words of wisdom and revelation are commonplace. The leadership takes risks and releases eveyone to minister as they recite their oft quoted, "Everyone gets to play." Poepple grow by leaops and bounds through these experiences. Healings happen every week, including bona fide miracles. It seems that when God and His transcendant presence, His numinous are there, that miracles flow as a result.

Every gathering is marked by joy and hope. The teaching, which is centered in and rooted in the word of God, produces hope in the hearers. It is theologically sound and based in action and obedience and not dry theology. This teaching lays a foundation for the people to explore the ways of God on their own and in groups called, "Fusion Family Groups." These groups meet all over the region, some as married groups, young adults, mixed ages and some as Life Journal groups. All are rooted in life! They give an opportunity to know and be known, to grow and encourage growth, to experiment in applying the scripture and to release the gifts of God in one another. These groups are where the future leaders and pastors learn on the job - how to love people, train leaders, and release life in multiplication. Life Jounral groups are seen in coffee shops and restaurants all over the region. Family groups are vital to the development of disciples.

Fusion people gather often, from house to house and in the larger gatherings. They look forward to the serendipity of God as He moves among them. They eat meals together, take communion and share the goodness of God, prophesying through their testimonies and sharing one another's burdens in prayer and life. THe miraculous is so present in these meetings that neighbors want to be a part because of the wonderful answers to prayer.

This is Fusion: The Ministry

Fusion has pioneered transformation ministry, adding to the toolbox not just sozo, but PTS healing, the breaking and removeal of shame, identity as a solidfier of life and much more. People are trained to triage their friends - to break lies and replace them with truth, lead people in releasing and receiving forgiveness and breaking unhealthy soul ties so people can walk in freedom.

Fusion folk are never afraid of the demonic, they just remove its influence in Jesus' name. There is a natural supernaturalness about them. They apply the kingdom in powerful, yet unassuming ways. The have learned the value of intercession, learning to pray in prophetic and powerful ways. Beacuse they are adept at the supernatural, friends and co-workers ask them about spiritual experiences and dreams, which they interpret through the Holy Spirit and the wisdom He has given them. The air about them abounds in the supernatural and yet they are some of the most approachable people anywhere. They give off the aroma of Jesus!

The children's ministry and even the nursery treat them as full fledged believers in Jesus. No one got a junior Holy Spirit. The children know how to pray and prophesy to great effect. They see angels, hear from God and minister healing. THe gatherings are marked by soaking in the presence of the Holy Spirit, and then ministering to God and one another after. These young lambs are the backbone of the atmosphere of power in our midst. From the youngest in the nursery to the older children, they have had prophetic words over them and those words are passed along to the teachers, workers and parrents. Destiny is unfolding before these young ones!

The youth ministry is unique at Fusion. The young saints are already functioning with great power and intimacy with God. This has resulted in their lives being forever changed, avoiding pitfalls of previous generations. Revival is breaking out on the various campuses and what was once termed a lost generation has become the most evangelistic generation in the history of the American church. The vibrancy of their faith is infectious and their company is sought out. Many go on to university and change the very atmosphere whereever they go.

Art and music, theater and dance are asll seen as expresions of prophetic beauty at Fusion. Fusion has a gallery where people can encounter the beauty of God and the prophetic ministry of the Holy Spirit. Some people are healed and delivered as they look at the paintings. Art has become a powerful tool to heal and establish people in their walk with the Lord.

The dance happens often in both choreographed numbers and spontaneous. As dance breaks forth, people are delivered and healed, touched on the deepest level of their being. Music has broken out from the sacred/secular divide and is the force that God intended for it before time. Creative songs, instrumentals and more bring healing and set up encounters for people in bars, arenas, theaters and more. The streets are impacted by the dance and music. A conservatory of the arts, including theater, has been a blessing for the region and nation. New plays and scenes, media and shorts are made. There are even feature length films and animations that express the kingdom of God in new ways, reaching people that have never been reached before.

Even domestic gifts like cooking, baking and hospitality have been harnessed for the kingdom! Truly everyhting is redeemed in the kingdom.

Fusion's call, to reach the world and to bring earth's culture and life into alignment with heaven is the direction not of one generation, but generation upon generation. We are called to magnificent story. We are His and He is ours - we stand ready to answer this amazing call, this mission and vision to see on earth as it is in heaven!


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